Rise Up & Talk: Refugee Radio, Ep. 4
Firsthand accounts of becoming a refugee from arriving in a foreign country, being screened and processed at UNHCR distribution centers, to the moment when you're dropped off with thousands of other terrified stateless people on the side of dirt road in the bush.
In the fourth episode of the series, refugees to recall the memories and emotions when they arrived in Uganda as refugees. They offer insight into what people expected to find in the camp and the scenes they encountered on the first days in Bidi Bidi Refugee Settlement.
Many of the questions that arose in those days endure until today, questions about safety, water, food rations, employment opportunities, childhood education and the peace process in South Sudan. Although some improvements were made in years that passed, more often than not the problems persist. Those interviewed have chosen to share with the world a rare knowledge about what is means to be totally vulnerable, what it means to be victimized, and what it means to endure.
Rise Up & Talk, Episode IV
South Sudanese refugee producer, filmmaker, community activist and co-founder of Bidi Bidi Media Lab. Richard's work explores conflict, statelessness and life in northern Uganda’s refugee archipelago.
Award-winning Honduran animator and journalist who received the 2017 Gabriel García Márquez award for Latin American Journalism for his graphic novella "El Hábito de la Mordaza" ("The Habit of Silence"). He is founder of Bilbao Media Lab and co-producer of the Bidi Bidi Media Lab.