
Cocooned inside her home in the mountains of southwest China in early 2020, a visual artist raised 1,000 silkworms and created a series of videos, installations and silk embroidery while undertaking her own process of metamorphosis.

The Breathing 2020 series began in 1999 as an analysis of the meaning of self-survival. As I have grown older, my understanding of life has become more comprehensive and so has the project evolved.

For Breathing 2020, I decided to observe the metamorphosis of silkworms without intervention, as it exists in an unconscious natural state. I raised more than 1,000 silkworms, watched them hatch, fed them mulberry leaves, and placed them in individual glass cubes to cocoon over a 50-day period. When they broke free from their cocoons, I harvested the natural silk and used it to weave silk embroidery. While the cocooning process unfolded, I wrapped a crystal ball in layer upon layer of newspaper clippings from around the world as a way to represent the daily imprints and pressures of civilization—politics, economics, culture, and society—on the human soul. I wrapped the crystal ball—the pure, ethereal planet, the original earth—in newspapers to symbolize the artificial cocooning of our interconnected world.

crystal ball covered in layers of newspapers, glowing from within
Silkworm cocoon in the process of metamorphosis from caterpillar to moth. © Zhao Rongjie

These three actions occurred simultaneously in a controlled environment. To juxtapose the metamorphosis of silkworms and quarantine, I transformed my home into a cocoon and isolated myself from the outside world for two months.

closeup of silk embroidery
Naturally-hued silk embroidery hanging in the artist's home.

I wrote two sentences about the Breathing project while in self-isolation: “Breathing is not close to suffocation, there is freedom in between. Breathing and suffocation are not far away, there is life and death in between." (呼吸与窒息不近,中间隔着自由;呼吸与窒息不远,中间隔着生死.) Human beings have been wrapping themselves like silkworms since the dawn of civilization. After this global catastrophe, will we continue our violent development or will we re-examine our lives and adjust our ways of being so that we can humbly return to nature?

Hundreds of gold-painted cocoons harvested from the Breathing project. © Zhao Rongjie

At the conclusion of the project, we cut a short video with the footage we'd shot over the course of more than two months explaining the impetus and phases of Breathing 2020.

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Shandong-born painter, visual artist, and videographer who studied oil painting and copperplate engraving at Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. She lives in an ancient stone home in the mountains of southwest China.

Transform charity into solidarity. Profits from the sales of art and apparel go directly to the Creators to support their lives and ongoing projects.
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