Reportage + Art + Activism

We are a global collective of independent artists, writers, filmmakers and activists reporting on the fault lines of culture, conflict, climate change, borderlands and migration.
Image of creator
Spotlight on the creators
Richard Akim
West Nile, Uganda
South Sudanese refugee producer, filmmaker community activist and co-producer of Bidi Bidi Media Lab. His work explores conflict and statelessness in northward Uganda’s refugee archipelago.
Richard Akim's ProjectsProducts that directly support Bidi Bidi
Meet the Creators
Sidd Joag
Queens, New York
Zhao Rongjie
Dali, Yunnan
Justin Kiersky
Denver, Colorado
German Andino
Bilbao, Euskadi
Ken Krimstein
Evanston, Illinois
Monica Lozano
Denver, Colorado
Shuang Xu
Xichang, Sichuan
Maya Bastian
Toronto, Canada
Transform charity into solidarity. Profits from the sales of art and apparel go directly to the Creators to support their lives and ongoing projects.
Black Totalians Zip Hoodie
Black Totalians Zip Hoodie
Women's Totalians Scoop Tee
Women's Totalians Scoop Tee
Totalians V-Neck
Totalians V-Neck
Total FC Pullover Hoodie
Total FC Pullover Hoodie
Green Retro Totalians Zip Hoodie
Green Retro Totalians Zip Hoodie